About Us

our story begins here

We envision a community where survivors are supported with compassion and dignity, where practitioners are equipped with the tools and resources to provide effective care, and where care is recognized as a fundamental aspect of community well-being.

Our Mission

why we're here

The Fireweed Counselling Collective is dedicated to re-authoring care as a powerful tool in violence prevention. Our mission is to provide accessible, trauma-informed support for those impacted by gender-based violence in Labrador. We prioritize care for survivors and also for practitioners and community members providing support, recognizing the importance of collective care in fostering healing and resilience.

Our Core Values

Expense Tracking:
How can I better manage my finances?
How can I analyze where I am spending the most?
What budgeting support is available?
Expense Tracking:
How can I better manage my finances?
How can I analyze where I am spending the most?
What budgeting support is available?
Expense Tracking:
How can I better manage my finances?
How can I analyze where I am spending the most?
What budgeting support is available?

We believe that care is integral in interrupting the cycle of harm, addressing the needs of those who experience harm, those who cause harm, and acknowledging the secondary harm that can occur for both providers and recipients of support.

A headshot photo of the Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator
Deirdre Connolly

Deirdre (she/her) has spent the last four years working with ESVNL in Upper Lake Melville building relationships within Labrador to increase support for survivors, service providers, and community members alike. The greatest lesson from Labrador has been seeing how care can mitigate harm, which has guided Deirdre's personal and professional path. As a survivor, therapy was a central agent of change for her, inspiring her to pursue this project so others can access the care they need on their journey. Deirdre has a two-year-old daughter named Iris, after the wild irises that colour the Labrador landscape in early summer. She loves a good story and treats of any kind!

The Labrador fireweed serves as a metaphor for the resilience and growth that can emerge from experiences of trauma. Despite its name suggesting destruction, fireweed is one of the first plants to emerge and flourish in areas affected by wildfires. Similarly, survivors of gender-based violence can find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Made Possible by

Labrador Cares Coalition

The Fireweed Counselling Collective is rooted in the collaborative ethos of the Labrador Cares Coalition, a flexible network of individuals from communities and organizations across Labrador. This coalition operates as a hub for violence prevention initiatives, fostering connections, relationships, and care among its members. The Fireweed project itself emerged from the relationships and work formed through the coalition, reflecting a collective commitment to addressing the critical need for trauma-informed support for survivors of gender-based violence in Labrador.

Team Section

Project Partners

Logo for Mokami Status of Women Council

Mokami Status of Women Council is an equality seeking, feminist organization that supports women and gender diverse individuals. We work within the Upper Lake Melville area of central Labrador, Canada.

Logo image for End Sexual Violence NL

ESVNL is a non-profit, community-based, charitable organization that exists to support individuals of all genders who have been impacted by sexual violence. We operate from a feminist, pro-choice, trauma-informed, person-centred perspective where individuals with lived experienced are honoured for their unique strengths, needs, skills, and abilities.