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Seeking Support

Currently, our counselling program operates by referral only. Our aim is to open it up to more participants as soon as capacity allows. If you're interested, please click below to join our interest list.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the FCC therapy program for?
Is there an age limit?
What does counselling look like?
Who will know I am in counselling?
Who pays for counselling?
I live in a remote community. Can I still access this?
I experienced violence a long time ago. Do I still qualify?
What if I don’t like or want to change my counsellor?
What happens when my sessions are done?
Where is the counselling provided?
How can I access the service?
Fireweed flower illustration


Other Organizations Providing Support

If you or someone you love is experiencing a mental health emergency call: 1-888-737-4668 or for mental health resources visit Bridge the Gap.